
Westermann in Austria

Educational media for schools, vocational training and for supporting and challenging students

With our own publishing houses in Austria, we develop country-specific educational media for the national curricula and suitable for the specific educational systems. Westermann Dorner, Westermann Jugend & Volk and Hölzel Verlag are the names of our publishing houses in Vienna. With their extensive and varied offers, they serve almost all subjects, school levels and types.

In addition, the programme includes materials for the school entry level, for various training professions, for open forms of learning, pedagogical titles as well as accompanying materials for existing textbooks. Since 2021, Westermann has offered a growing segment on the topic of "support and encouragment" in Austria.


Westermann Dorner GmbH
Westermann Jugend & Volk GmbH
Hainburger Straße 33
1030 Wien

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Telefon: +43 1 5335636 0
E-Mail: service(at)

Hölzel Verlag GmbH
Jochen-Rindt-Straße 9 
1230 Wien

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Telefon: +43 1 536 06 0
E-Mail: info(at)

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